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IndustryArena Forum > Community Club House > Is it me or is Ebay
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Is it me or is Ebay

    Is it me or is Ebay getting ridiculous? I've been seeing a tread were people auction of a item or has a buy it now and the shipping is more than what the item is worth! You can by a item for 150.00 than they want 35.00 + for shipping at the price more than likely the item can be bought new. Ebay really needs to put a cap on this crap.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Why should ebay put a cap on it? It's the marketplace. People will pay what they think the item is worth.

    I find stuff I want all the time that is listed for more than what I am willing to pay, so I don't buy it. A lot of times no one else does either.

    So, it's not ebay, it's you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    It's a rip off, so no it's not me, it never use to be that way. Handling fee is one thing but over charging for shipping to me is another, your right that in the end it's the consumer that makes the decision to pay or not and yes it's a market place, and in the end I think Ebay will lose, I know I stopped speading A LOT of money on EBAY because of that, so in the end they will lose.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I understand your frustration, but your logic is flawed.

    Ebay will not lose because the marketplace will correct itself.

    If the prices are "outrageous" then people will indeed stop buying, but when that happens prices will be adjusted to a point where people will start buying again.

    OR, if there are fools in the marketplace that are willing to pay these prices, then they will be the ones buying and we won't

    Either way ebay wins. Welcome to capitalism...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Whatever, I'm DONE with Ebay. Flawed logic or not. Just needed to vent all done.

  6. #6
    Being that I'm and eBay power seller, I have auctioned off hundereds of items at $.01 and charged $15 for shipping!

    The reason is there is no eBay commission on the shipping or the insurance! eBay charges a listing fee, an insertion fee, and then a commission on sales! If a buyer pays with PayPal, then there is a commission to them! And eBay owns PayPal!

    The low starting bid and high shipping is the only way people can get started in eBay, as it takes over 100 positive feedbacks before your allowed to list using the Buy It Now feature! So by using low priced bids, it attracts people, then they leave positive feedbacks!

    Hope this answers your question!

    Eric A. A.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by widgitmaster
    as it takes over 100 positive feedbacks before your allowed to list using the Buy It Now feature!
    Eric A. A.
    Is that a new policy? I have an 82 and have listed lots of stuff with Buy-It-Now...

  8. #8
    It was set to 100, it may have been lowered! I have 1600+ so its been a while sence I've seen 100!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by widgitmaster
    It was set to 100, it may have been lowered! I have 1600+ so its been a while sence I've seen 100!
    1600? Must not be under eaaenterprises like in your profile...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Remember, ebay doesn't charge fees on shipping charges so the incentive
    is to raise your shipping fees.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by jseiler
    Remember, ebay doesn't charge fees on shipping charges so the incentive
    is to raise your shipping fees.
    Now that is a good point! Maybe it is something that ebay should look into.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I have seen auctions for 0.1c BIN and shipping $100.00, it just a way some get around ebay commision, but the item obviously has to be worth $100.00!!
    Another side of the coin, I have complained to some US sellers that ship to Canada that the US postage that the item arrives with is far less than they quoted me at purchase time, More than one tells me they got the price from the USPS online, so maybe there is some discrepency there between posted and actual??
    CNC, Mechatronics Integration and Custom Machine Design

    “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
    Albert E.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CNCadmin
    Is it me or is Ebay getting ridiculous? I've been seeing a tread were people auction of a item or has a buy it now and the shipping is more than what the item is worth! You can by a item for 150.00 than they want 35.00 + for shipping at the price more than likely the item can be bought new. Ebay really needs to put a cap on this crap.
    I agree, just last night I bought an item off ebay for around $5 and had to pay $10 for shipping. 99 percent of the time though I avoid auctions where they are trying to make most of the money off of the shipping and not off of the item price. Maybe the seller is just tring to avoid the ebay fees but as a buyer it kind of makes me feel like they are tring to sell me the item hoping I will not see the shipping charges. So I usually pass it up. Even if the shipping and item price total what all the others are selling the same item for. I usually buy from the sellers that make their money off of the item price and not the shipping.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CNCRob
    I agree, just last night I bought an item off ebay for around $5 and had to pay $10 for shipping. 99 percent of the time though I avoid auctions where they are trying to make most of the money off of the shipping and not off of the item price. Maybe the seller is just tring to avoid the ebay fees but as a buyer it kind of makes me feel like they are tring to sell me the item hoping I will not see the shipping charges. So I usually pass it up. Even if the shipping and item price total what all the others are selling the same item for. I usually buy from the sellers that make their money off of the item price and not the shipping.

    I guess I jumped to conclusions on that item I mentioned on my last post. I didn't think it would cost over $4 or $5 to ship. I just received it today and it cost $9.72 for them to ship. I can understand paying $10 to ship on a $5 item if it actually cost about that much to ship it.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Ebay has rules against high shipping and listings can be ended if the shipping is deemed to be one of those where the seller is trying to cirumvent ebay fee's. Dunno where the 100 feedback for BIN came from I've been using that feature from early on.

    What really gets me is people from other countries and even ones that register in the uk and then want you to ship abroad. Nigerian scammers.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I agree with philba: send a message with your dollars.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Murphy weighs in.. (the ebay expert)

    My partner and I have been purchasing stuff on ebay for 4 years. In that time, we have about 450+ purchases and have spent about $40,000 between us to aquire about 1.5 million worth of good/excellent and most times brand new equipment from people who sometimes have no idea what they are even selling.
    Building our company this way has taken us on road trips accross the country to pick up some crazy things.

    When we first started out back in 2001, ebay was not just a bargin, it was almost considered theft!!!!! There were items we bought for $50 that cost $1800 new... I even bought a 1600 gallon 316 stainless steel vertical tank for $400.. Its value to have one built would be around $25,000.. And that's just one example.

    Today, ebay is almost useless to find really good deals.. Most popular items go for 70% of the cost of new and on some auctions, you can actually get the items cheaper new.. (Just check out prices on Sch80 PVC pipe supplies).. There are people listing 2 inch elbows for $4.00 each when I can go down to the local industrial pipe supply place and buy them for $2.96 each.. Then on top of that, the stupid seller wants a $3 packing fee + UPS charges.. Back in 2002, I bought a load of PVC for $100.... I got four 55 gallon drums filled with fittings for that $100.. Brand new those fittings would have gone for probably close to $5000.

    Ebay is no longer the deal of the century as it once was. I used to keep quiet about Ebay because it was my purchasing secret.. Not any more.. Nothing to keep secret about because the advantage is now gone..

    Just my 2 cents. (Rant over with)

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I disagree murphy, I still get good deals all the time on my tooling. I think the thing to remember is not to "have" to aquire this item right now. Nine times out of ten there is another of the same product listed the next day. Just bid low and if you don't get it, you will in a day or so...

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I just refuse to buy anything like that. not too long ago I as buying a hard drive enclosure for my 2.5" hard drive, everything was .99 bin and $10 shipping. I waited untill I found on efor $8 and $3 shippping.

    sometimes people dont see the shipping price and only the awesome bid or BIN price and buy it, then get screwed, so I agree, someone has to put their foot down. Another thing is that ebay is not allowing so many items that made ebay so awesome. They havent been allowing guns for a long time, and now they just stopped allowing switchblades... mainly because they had a 2cm limit on them where people would post that limit but they obviously werent.

    I think ebay has a legit reason to put their foot down too, its depriving them of making money. I do disagree with their higher selling prices.


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I just did a customer survey for EBay two nights ago. It was on shipping and why would you buy from this person $100.00 + $5.00 shipping than over a person selling the same thing at $75.00 + $30.00 shipping. So they must be looking into it. I just hate it when someone sells you a boot leg item and EBay will not protect you from negative feed back if you report them. The only reason I buy as much as I do from EBay is I cannot get people to order it; they act like they don’t want your business. Well that’s my two cents worth I am off to snip some poor sole. ;-)

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