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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Uncategorised MetalWorking Machines > NEED SUB L997 FOR A SIEMENS 805 (lathe)
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    NEED SUB L997 FOR A SIEMENS 805 (lathe)

    hello out thare
    i just got 2 hyundai hit-8g's (lathes) with siemens 805 v4.7 software
    lost all parameters had siemens factory
    field service out all is good sep 4 - 1 thing, no sub L997 main canne cycle sub for user guidance, and no canne cycles at all sub's~ L98-L95-L96 and so on thus no canne cycles will work. it use's @ programming for the r-parameters in the sub's (cannecycles) and I realy need to find some one that could e-mail me
    I never ask for something for nothing so here's a tip from me to you all .
    If you ever need to install heli coils FAST and cheep use a tapping head in
    a drill press put the mandrel in the head set the depth and your ready to go
    you can easly hold + - 1/4 turn on depth we'v installed 1000's & 1000's
    of 4-40's and others this way and on a good day 1 guy can do 1200 + , on bad day 800 youll eat up about 1 manderl per 400 - 600 inserts but you can touch'em up on a mill and go for more ! well hope it helps ya ! and i hope some one can help me thanks and keep on cut'en kel

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Trading a tip for proprietary data supplied by the tool supplier to someone who purchased the option is not REALLY compensating the right person now is it????

    Sort of like me paying your neighbor for work you did and sold him. But now he's "trading" your expertise to me for something you did/showed him....

    I'm surprised the field service guy didn't reset the params when he was there..... I'd think it would be part of the service if the param was part of your original code....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    ya you would think ha ! first off siemens has no idea of the option (code) when the machine was new, NOR DO YOU ! only hyundai, and try to get a service call from someone who knows these machines hit-8g's from hyundai in so. cal good luck if any one knows a good service man who know's hit-8g's please let me know! i payed $1500 to siemens for a guy that i hade to help set up the rs232
    (1.5 hours@$145.00+travel)and then got just the bear bones pram's to make the machines get of e-stop. the man i got them from said they had been purchased and i have no reason to think otherwise, unlike you. as for me i tend to look out for the little guy over the big corp's, "IF" they didnt come with the machines as new hyundai got over it 10 years ago, but if they did! then im getting s--- 'd. as for compensating the the right person well im not make'n any one do anything just asking for some help so's to be more productive and more then willing to do the same for you and all others win i
    can. I thouht this was a forum to share info and help each other, maybe im wrong?
    All things come at a price ( tips to, it coast me )weather it be - $ - time spent to learn it - or just hard work. any one who try's it I hope it helps them to be more
    $$ profitable $$ it did me! more power to ya all. oh ya I have mori 35/35"s
    karaki kv500 mori sl-1 / 2's and acromax mx-16 if any one out thare needs help
    restoring lost pramaters give me a e-mail if you know the pram # for me to look at Ill
    be glade to help ya . keep ooon cutte'n

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    If your second post had preceeded your first, I wouldn't have posted what I posted.

    This and other message boards have been hit by folks looking to bypass paying for options - happens a lot with Fanuc. Again, it was impossible to tell otherwise of your trials and tribulations to-date from the original post.

    Anyway, most M/B's will NOT allow the sharing of option parameters as these are "valued intellectual properies" of the machine tool maker. I"m truly sorry that you're having the problems reported

    It is truly sad that just about ANY imported machine has lame service support by the distributor and/or OEM. I ran into the same issue with my Fanuc machines. Yet, people still buy the machines and encounter the same sort of attitude over and over.

    In my case, the prior owner fortunately wrote down the parameters and we were able to decipher some from an ex factory service guy we located in Texas (we're in Michigan).

    This should serve up notice to ANYBODY who has a CNC - BACKUP AND RECORD YOUR PARAMETERS. Moreover and more importantly , be sure to secure them as part of any purchase agreement for used equipment.

    I don't know how many times I've seen guys looking for parameters for used equipment they bought - and bought it w/o manuals and/or w/o adequate documentation. only to encounter the same fate you're in....

    Not doing so (recording/procuring parameters of used machines) is like never backing up your hard drive data - risky, dangerous, perhaps foolhardy and ultimately horribly frustrating.

    I wish you well.

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