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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > BobCad-Cam > Bobcad jumped ship
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Bobcad jumped ship

    I can tell you since the very first version of bobcad came out I have owned it up until about version 28. After constant glitches and transfering files to other programs they always imported messed up I said BS on this software.

    Everyone who ran real software had issues with it when trying to use my drawings. Do yourself a favor RUN now or just hit yourself in the head with a hammer. Fusion 360 baby ! makes Bobcad like a demented torture toy. Learn something else and you will thank yourself.

    Bobcad was holding me back big time, I make better parts, draw 100 times faster and can actually program solids

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Bobcad jumped ship

    Took 39 years,but now your golden

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Bobcad jumped ship

    Quote Originally Posted by TiFab View Post
    I can tell you since the very first version of bobcad came out I have owned it up until about version 28. After constant glitches and transfering files to other programs they always imported messed up I said BS on this software.

    Everyone who ran real software had issues with it when trying to use my drawings. Do yourself a favor RUN now or just hit yourself in the head with a hammer. Fusion 360 baby ! makes Bobcad like a demented torture toy. Learn something else and you will thank yourself.

    Bobcad was holding me back big time, I make better parts, draw 100 times faster and can actually program solids
    Couldn't have said it better. I feel sorry for people who get caught up in the sales tactics. After you use something else you realize how poor BC really is. CHEAP,CRAPPY, GARBAGE. Now what for the Berkley type BC defenders to come out with there fangs and claws!!!!!!!!!

  4. #4

    Re: Bobcad jumped ship

    What Multi-axis CAM are you guys using then?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Bobcad jumped ship

    Quote Originally Posted by magicniner View Post
    What Multi-axis CAM are you guys using then?

    They seem to be going over to Fusion 360 for the main part, having tried it out myself I can`t say that I blame them, it is very, very good and quite affordable

    Support is also good and a monthly or annual subscription covers everything including all updates which are automatic so the user has them as they come out, no having to download and install etc, etc

    I just have the "Freebie" online (Cloud) version and if there is an update when I login it updates right there and then which is quite nice to have, downside is the user does need a pretty good Internet connection

    To be absolutely fair I haven`t used it great deal but what I have done with it has been OK and so far "bug free" on the parts I have used which has just been some ordinary 2D/3D modelling/toolpathing etc, the usual everyday stuff


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Bobcad jumped ship

    Hello Rob, do you buy a seat(or seats) of Fusion and own it or is it something you pay a monthly charge/fee for? That seems to be growing in popularity.

    Magicniner-I run OneCNC Mill Pro and Lathe Express since I left BC.

    I have ran MasterCam, no complaints as it's great Cad/Cam but extremely expensive.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Bobcad jumped ship

    Quote Originally Posted by mtlhe View Post
    Hello Rob, do you buy a seat(or seats) of Fusion and own it or is it something you pay a monthly charge/fee for? That seems to be growing in popularity.
    As far as I can work out it is only a Monthly/Annual/2 year/3 year payment system, the lowest price available here in the UK (Apart from the free one) is £276 for one year and includes all updates/upgrades and Tech Support, that works out at todays exchange rate of around $354 USD or around $6.81 USD a week, that has to be affordable for most folks

    The threshhold for getting the free version is I believe a turnover of £80,000 GBP which is around $102,000 USD which these days I don`t come anywhere near
    I didn`t have to show any accounts to get the free version, just register that`s all, however as it is on their servers (Cloud) I am assuming that usage is monitored and I would expect that heavy use would probably invoke a "think you should start paying" response fairly quickly
    The "Freebie" is for Enthusiasts/Hobbyists/Startups which will probably cover a lot of users

    I currently pay BC $300 USD for the email support package but that doesn`t include any upgrades and as BC usually produce a new version around the 18 month to 2 year mark which has to be bought then the £552 (Around $708 USD) for 2 years of "Rent" of Fusion 360 looks pretty reasonable to me as last year BC wanted $1000 USD to upgrade me from V28 to V29 which I had to unfortunately decline as I am semi retired now and can no longer justify that sort of expense in a single lump

    To be fair to BC they have left me alone since then so I have absolutely no complaints regarding pressure sales etc, etc

    Having said all that it really is down to the old "each to their own", that which might suit me in my current situation (Living the Dream ) may not suit anyone else anywhere near as well, as I said in my last Post I haven`t used it a great deal yet and have had no issues so far but it may well transpire that getting a lot deeper into it will expose numerous flaws/bugs etc, etc but we users have to live with those whatever the software we choose to use, as James rightly says to quote him "it is what it is".

    Sorry, no rant here if that is what some were/are looking for, I have used BC since V18 so I go back a few years and I have like many others had the odd "pop" at them but have stuck with them through it all, however times and circumstances do change and mine have so something like Fusion 360 (There are other free ones available) suits both my usage and my pocket quite well at this time


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Bobcad jumped ship

    it is what it is,,,,do you pay your own way ? or work for somebody ?,,,big diff. from my point of view

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Bobcad jumped ship

    "HSMWorks, coupled with Fusion 360 is "BUG FREE!""""

    BWAHAHAHAHAAAAAA! havnt laughed that hard all day.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Bobcad jumped ship

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails berk.JPG  

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Bobcad jumped ship

    There are pros and cons to both.

    I use Fusion360 at home, and recently switched to HSMworks at work.

    Fusion360/HSMworks is better at 3D toolpaths, and has a better tool library management in my opinion. Its also better at handling model changes and updating the toolpaths without any issues. I can also change my stock and or origin for the job, and recalc the toolpaths very quickly without having to worry about settings changing on me. Fusion also handles chamfers that run up to a wall very well, you can tell it to run the tool up close to any walls in the model.

    Bobcad does seem to do better at 2D toolpaths, as the derived operations do work well. It's nice being able to rough, finish, and chamfer a profile. And for tapped holes, I liked that you could drill, chamfer, and tap in a single feature. The ability to link chamfers is the main thing I like. I am also more comfortable editing the post processor in bobcad over Fusion.

    So basicly I can toolpath 3d parts faster in fusion. But 2d parts can be faster in bobcad. If a model needs changes, fusion handles updating toolpaths better.

    I've had plenty of issues with bobcad, but I do not feel that I need to rant about it here. It served me well for several years, and I was able to make parts people said were not possible with bobcad. I learned to work with its quirks, and it has some very powerful 3d toolpath options. It's far from perfect, but you can make parts just as well as people using other software.
    Work: Hurco VMX42/VMX50 - Shopsabre 4896 - Bobcad V4 4axis pro
    Home: RF45 with Ajax CNC Controller - Bobcad V27 3 axis pro

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Bobcad jumped ship

    I just looked at Fusion 360. To get 3+2 you need the Ultimate which is $1500 to rent the software for a year. I don't know what happens to your files if you don't re-up.

    I am well aware of the differences in the software but I still feel like my better value is with BCC. I don't do a lot of drawings as the OP does and I have Solidworks for that anyway - for what that's worth. I can't understand why OP couldn't toolpath a solid in BobCAD. I'll assume it was something complex like head porting because I've been doing some trick stuff 3D surfacing in my ancient Fadals since 2006 (V21).

    Maybe a more experienced user here could have helped but you sound like your happy. So happy that you decided to share it with us BobCAD users. Don't let the man hold you back! Run along to the Fusion 360 forum and spread your joy!!
    Mastercam X9/2017 Multiaxis for SolidWorks - Bobcad V29 3ax Pro 4ax Std.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Bobcad jumped ship

    Has anybody else noticed that the zones favicon is a mess?

    Attachment 363828


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Bobcad jumped ship

    I didn't notice it until you mentioned it. Now I can't unsee it! :drowning:
    Mastercam X9/2017 Multiaxis for SolidWorks - Bobcad V29 3ax Pro 4ax Std.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Bobcad jumped ship

    Quote Originally Posted by SBC Cycle View Post
    I didn't notice it until you mentioned it. Now I can't unsee it! :drowning:
    Ha!!! Sorry about that. Maybe the moderators will see this and get the webdev to fix it?


    I can make a nice one for them if they want... Maybe we could have a contest to "Replace the zones favicon!"

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Bobcad jumped ship

    Here's a multi format icon that will cover every monitor, browser and setup on the web, zipped.

    Here's a png at 42x42 to fake it, too!

    Attachment 363834

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