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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Tormach Personal CNC Mill > Tormach PathPilot™ > Pathpilot Controller Issue - Maybe bad Mesa Card?
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  1. #1

    Pathpilot Controller Issue - Maybe bad Mesa Card?

    Saturday morning I powered up my PCNC 1100, but instead of pathpilot launching as normal a window popped up saying "the Mesa Interface requires reprogramming with new firmware. Click OK to proceed."

    Upon clicking ok it attempts to write to the mesa and fails.

    After several reboots it now no longer recognizes the mesa card at all.

    I have tried swapping the card to different slots as well as cleaning, but neither works.

    I checked the 3.3v pin to ground and it is measuring 3.35v

    The two leds on the mesa cards remain on when the computer is powered.

    The jumpers on the card are all in the correct position.

    The controller is the "standard" tormach pathpilot controller purchased in fall 2017 (along with the mill)

    Can anyone help with this? I do not know if this is a bad mesa card or software issue or some other hardware failure.

    I emailed tormach support and have yet to here from them, I need to get this working asap.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Pathpilot Controller Issue - Maybe bad Mesa Card?

    Two red lights on is a bad sign, it most likely means that the flash chip data is corrupted
    not easy to tell whether this is PC or Mesa 5I25 related
    (the initial complaint about the bad boot sector indicates that the 5I25 card was found but there's an issue with card register access)

    Please email [email protected] with your address and we will issue a RMA and try to send you a new card today

    If you return the failed card we can determine what went wrong

  3. #3

    Re: Pathpilot Controller Issue - Maybe bad Mesa Card?

    Thanks for the input,

    I will send an email to the address above shortly

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Re: Pathpilot Controller Issue - Maybe bad Mesa Card?

    ^ ^ ^ Is it just me, or did we just witness great customer service? ^^^

    (I am not affiliated with anyone.)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Pathpilot Controller Issue - Maybe bad Mesa Card?

    Quote Originally Posted by ShortTrack View Post
    ^ ^ ^ Is it just me, or did we just witness great customer service? ^^^

    (I am not affiliated with anyone.)
    Peter (PCW) In my opinion he always gives excellent service he is very active on the linuxcnc forum as well

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