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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Bridgeport Series II Interact 2 problems

    Hi. I'm having some problems with a Heidenhain TNC 145 c... The batteries went off and there was no power also on the machine, so the parameters erased form memory. I replaced the batteries and tried to RE-enter the parameters, following the instructions in the Manual, but when i turn on the machine, after pressing CE, it sais "pass over z- reference mark, pass over y- reference mark, pass over x- reference mark" and nothing moves at all. Could this problem occur because of some wrong parameters? Anyone can help? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Hi, I am Shahid. Obviously there are certain parameters which can hold the machine movements. Simply the 42 no param. can hold the machine if its setting is out.It is related to the potentiometer. There are three options for 0, 1, 2. Check all these settings. If it works OK, otherwise let me infrom i will produce you the orignal parameters. My emila is [email protected]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    That is a start, do you know how to run the machine? Power enable, start start start.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Well, this is the first time i try to work on a machine like this. I also learnt a little bit of Hurco programing, but that seems much easier than Heidenhain I know how to turn on the machine, from the main switch, then i press the CE button so that the "Power Interrupted" message disappear.After that, the message "pass over z- reference mark, pass over y- reference mark, pass over x- reference mark" appears and when i press the GREEN button (start button) and Cycle Start button, the Z axis moves a few millimetres and stops(but the other axes don't move at all). It appears that the Z axis moves randomelly, because sometimes it moves downwards and sometimes it moves upwards(after following the same sequence mentioned above). I tried moving the axes by the handwheel, after pressing the "electronic handwheel" button, but it doesn't work (with parameter 52 set OFF). I really think that the parameters are set wrong...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    You need to get a manual

    If the Z is at the top of travel, then it is not moving randomly. It will move up until it hits the trip dog, then down to look for th ereference mark.

    Continue to hit cycle start repeatedly and the other axis will try to home.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Ok...but after all axes "go home", how do i get rid of the message "pass over z- reference mark, pass over y- reference mark, pass over x- reference mark". I have a manual but some things are hard to understand if you never worked on such machines.
    When i try to change from "manual mode" to any other modes, nothing happens. The little red light near the NEW selected mode turns on, but the screen remains the same...with the same message about the reference mark...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    if it still says that, you are not homed

    power on


    Power enable

    feed rate override at ~100 percent

    cycle start [wait]

    cycle start[wait]

    cycle start[wait

    cycle start[wait]

    cycle start[wait]

    cycle start[wait]

    As each axis is homed, with a max of 2 moves per axis, that line should disappear

    until it is homed, it will do nothing else

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Aha! It seems to work now I followed the sequence you told me, and the axes home, but after the axes are homed, they still move a little bit, even though the little yellow light ( the "Indicator lamp") is OFF. Now i'm trying to learn how to enter a program into the machine. I'm thinking to sell the machine and that's why i try to turn it on and run a program on it so that the customer can see it works. I'll read through the manual and see how to program it and if i have other questions, i'll ask for your help Thanks.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    here is a link to the manuals.



  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Heidenhain TNC 145 C

    Question: When entering a program into the memory, how do i enter things like A X 100* R0 F 9999? What button should i press so that i can "type" A X?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Hi. I need the electric schematics for Bridgeport Series II Interact 2. Do you know where i can find them? Thank you.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    I believe one has been posted here previously. try looking in this sub forum for posts with attachments

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by gugu View Post
    Hi. I need the electric schematics for Bridgeport Series II Interact 2. Do you know where i can find them? Thank you.
    I have a electric schematic posted right here:

    Bridgeport Series II Interact 2 CNC Mill ==> Schematic

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    another dummy

    Quote Originally Posted by gus View Post
    if it still says that, you are not homed

    power on


    Power enable

    feed rate override at ~100 percent

    cycle start [wait]

    cycle start[wait]

    cycle start[wait

    cycle start[wait]

    cycle start[wait]

    cycle start[wait]

    As each axis is homed, with a max of 2 moves per axis, that line should disappear

    until it is homed, it will do nothing else
    Gus...please help me out....when I push the cycle start button on my series 2 intact 2 it does nothing...should it buz or fart or spit....also the feed rate knob is so sensitive that simply touching it will cause a jump from 100 to 80 or 120 etc...this is the first time I have tried to start this machine...I have no idea what behaviour to expect....not certain if I am dealing with a program issue or hardware problems....also a note the air spindle brake will not switch to the off position help....and yes I have read the manual....but it goes about everything as though you are starting with a working machine.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    First, read the damn manual

    Second, A is not a relevant syntax

    In programming mode, hit the X key, it will tell you what to do

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Hi everyone!
    I'm having some problems with my Bridgeport Series 2 Interact 2... When i tried to home the machine, after the X and Y axes were homed, the Z axis didn't move at all, so i opened the servo's panel and tried to spin the motor by the belt, by hand. It was stuck, so i took the belt of the motor and gave a little shock to the motor, with a hammer, and it started spinning again. I put the belt back on and tried to home the machine, but now, the Z axis starts by moving downwards a little, and then goes upwards slowly a little, and suddenly it goes up very fast and hits the limit switch very hard. I had to change the first limit switch, because it was hit so hard, that it broke. It already broke 2 limit switches, by hitting them so hard. I, again, changed the limit switch, but i didn't put it up because it will brake it again. I tried pressing the limit switch while the axis moves up, but it doesn't stop...
    Another thing is that when the Z axis goes down a little, it shows a positive value and when it goes up, it shows a negative value... Shouldn't the UP value be positive and the DOWN value be negative?
    Did i do something wrong by taking the belt off and then putting it back on? Does it need to be put in a certain position in order for it to work properly? I would appreciate any help. Thanks a lot.


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Bridgeport Series 2 Interact 2 problems!

    Hi everyone!
    I'm having some problems with my Bridgeport Series 2 Interact 2... When i tried to home the machine, after the X and Y axes were homed, the Z axis didn't move at all, so i opened the servo's panel and tried to spin the motor by the belt, by hand. It was stuck, so i took the belt of the motor and gave a little shock to the motor, with a hammer, and it started spinning again. I put the belt back on and tried to home the machine, but now, the Z axis starts by moving downwards a little, and then goes upwards slowly a little, and suddenly it goes up very fast and hits the limit switch very hard. I had to change the first limit switch, because it was hit so hard, that it broke. It already broke 2 limit switches, by hitting them so hard. I, again, changed the limit switch, but i didn't put it up because it will brake it again. I tried pressing the limit switch while the axis moves up, but it doesn't stop...
    Another thing is that when the Z axis goes down a little, it shows a positive value and when it goes up, it shows a negative value... Shouldn't the UP value be positive and the DOWN value be negative?
    Did i do something wrong by taking the belt off and then putting it back on? Does it need to be put in a certain position in order for it to work properly? I would appreciate any help. Thanks a lot.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    sounds like your parameters are messed up. z should home first

    could be that the z axis direction is backwards

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Did it ever run for you?
    Has a motor been removed and the armature wires or tach wires reversed? This could cause a run away condition.
    Has any parameters been changed?

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    So...the latest updates... First of all, i bought this machine a few years ago, but i didn't use it, because i had the chance to buy a Hurco Milling Machine and i used it instead, being easier to program than the Bridgeport. Now, when i needed the Bridgeport too, i found out it didn't work...I bought it second hand... The batteries were dead, so the parameters were all erased from memory and i had to type in the parameters...I used the manual for that purpose and i also had a list of parameters that a guy sent me by mail, so i'm not sure that all the parameters are ok.
    The motor is wired fine. I'll try to explain to you what happens when i try to home the machine... The X and Y axes home with no problem at all, but the Z axis, after moving down, when i hit the "cycle start" button the second time, it moves up until it hits the limit switch and suddenly the power goes off and the message "pass over z- reference mark" disappears. And when i press the "power enable" button, the Z axis suddenly goes up fast and i get the message "gross positioning error"... It's strange that is seems that the Z axis is homed, but when it "homes", the power goes off...And why does it go UP fast, when i turn the power back on? That's how it broke 3 limit switches so far... Could it be because of the parameters, or because of the position of the limit switch? Because after the first limit switch was broken, i replaced it with a new one, but i'm thinking that maybe i missed the very same height the first switch was on... And if it's because of the parameters, can you, guys, give me a list of the parameters to be entered in order for the machine to work properly? Thank you a lot.

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