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Thread: SprutCAM 7

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    SprutCAM 7

    Has anyone downloaded and installed the SprutCAM 7 update? Any reviews?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I've been playing with Sprutcam 7 (build 0.5 Rev 30392) for the past couple of days. I've run into a few bugs, but I think it's going to be a very nice upgrade. The cleaned-up user interface is very nice. I especially like the way job assignment and restricted zones work now.

    Dave Pearson already has a couple of videos on his subscription support site ( http://www.download.sprut.co.uk/Support ) that demonstrate some of the new features. Highly recommended.

    The bugs I've noticed so far have been easy to work around. For example, the Alibre key map doesn't work, and a project saved from a previous version appeared to load correctly but generated bad toolpaths. It worked fine when I imported the model into a new project.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    ...just a couple observations so far

    -finally imports Inventor files (it did older versions not newer releases)!
    -toolpath creation is faster!
    -could not use version 5.53 (iges conversion was corupt only in this version) working again in this release.

    -still can't change the default tool library from metric and have it save it - without renaming the file in the directory

    Have not really put it through it's paces but it has promise.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by MarkWink View Post
    -could not use version 5.53 (iges conversion was corupt only in this version)
    MarkWink -

    I have run 5.53 for several months now, and it seems to import IGES just fine. What didn't work right?

    All -

    I figure that the version 7 download is just a demo, and that the Tormach dongles won't do any good. You'll probably get 30 days of fun, though.

    However, I did notice the other day that the upper right hand corner of the web page says "Download the current version SprutCAM v2007 b5.54" but that later down the page it says that 5.53 is available (back in June)... So I just downloaded it and it is a different size and has a different MD5 checksum than the version 5.53 installer that I still have on my hard drive.

    I may zip up my spine and try to install it later tonight (except I *just* fixed my tool table the other day).


    - Just Gary

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by justgary View Post
    ...I have run 5.53 for several months now, and it seems to import IGES just fine. What didn't work right?...
    There were a bunch of different builds of version 5.53. One of those builds had some IGES import problems.

    I'm currently running version 5.54 rev 30334 and it has been working well for me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    I had problems importing iges with complex feautures into 5.53

    5.54 finally lets me import directly from Inventor so all's good with SprutCAM2007

    SprutCAM 7 keeps crashing - just setting stock - using 4th axis on a boat prop to see how well the 4th axis works - I've seen the You Tube vids and they look great.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Can someone provide me the link where I can download Sprutcam V7?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    ...it's right on their Home Page, you have to click the "Download center" link.

    The text goes to Russian, you need a login/password or create a new one and then you can download the file. The blue text below the login/pass is a link to create a login.

    The red asteries were; login-password-password confirm-City-and the obvious email

    I found a translator on the web to navigate the site.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Is a manual included in the download? - Thanks Terry

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by mayhugh1 View Post
    Is a manual included in the download? - Thanks Terry
    Nope. At least, I haven't found one. Documentation isn't Sprut's strong point.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    There is one file : C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Dane aplikacji\Sprut Technology\SprutCAM\Version 7\Languages\SprutCAM_eng.pdf

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by pit202 View Post
    There is one file : C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Dane aplikacji\Sprut Technology\SprutCAM\Version 7\Languages\SprutCAM_eng.pdf
    Thanks! I missed that one.

    It's located in this directory on my installation:
    C:\ProgramData\Sprut Technology\SprutCAM\Version 7\Languages

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    (I meant to post this to this thread but while browsing through previous threads for an answer it got posted to a V5.5 thread but I am actually trying to install "V7")

    Well I thought I did everything right... I extracted the setup file, created an install direcry and copied it into it in along with the _SCIinstPF0_HASP.exe and _SCInstPD1_PCNC.exe from the previous install. BUT........ When I run the program it wants to do an online registration anyway. Am I forgetting something else??????????????????

    BTW - I uninstalled it and reinstalled it a couple of times.

  14. #14
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    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by saabaero View Post
    ........ When I run the program it wants to do an online registration anyway.....
    That's the way it worked for me too. This release doesn't seem to support (or need) the hardware key.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    That's the way it worked for me too. This release doesn't seem to support (or need) the hardware key"
    How did you finally get it running? Did you do the online registration????

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Does the release of SprutCAM 7 mean the end of SprutCAM 2007?
    Can current owners of 2007 upgrade to SC7 for free?
    Will Tormach support both?
    Will Tormach's SC support no longer be free?

    And in the same calamatous horror:

    Is this the end of backyard CNC?
    Is the sky falling?
    Is Armageddon here?

    But I still have projects to make!!!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I emailed Tormach this past Friday asking about upgrade option for SC7. The response was that they have not yet evaluated SC7 for their mill, and that they need to work out pricing with SC. Tormach will post update info on their web page when available.

    I doubt SC7 will be a free upgrade for us 2007 users....

    Thanks for the link on update to 2007 as I missed that on my last check of their site.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Has anyone tried to use their tool library from the previous version with V7. It appears that there are changes in the format of the file that wouldn't allow mine to be loaded.

    Darn, I hate to have to enter all of the information again to create a new one.

    Is there a way to edit the file and save it back to the correct format. The file has a .csv extension but when you save it from Excel the format gets changed and it won't load.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    The tool file extension .csv indicates that the file is a "comma separated variables" file, meaning that it is a text file where (using spreadsheet terminology) the text ending with a comma (or semicolon) is the content of a cell, and each line of text is a row.

    You can edit the tool file within SC2007 by under the Machining tab - select the machine (top line of left hand window) - Parameters - select the machine you use - select Tool library in right hand column - select the displayed ... which will take you to the tool library directory.

    An easier way to edit the tool file is to open it using Notepad, turn off Wordwrap (Format-Wordwrap). Notepad then displays each 'row' of 'cells' across the screen and each 'cell' aligned in 'columns'. You will need to scroll to see the full line.

    You can then easily edit the entries, but remember to retain the semicolons. I suggest you also keep the alignment by adding/deleting spaces after your editing.

    In regard to SC updates/upgrades overwriting existing "toolfile.csv", you can save your edited file to another name. The easiest way to retain your tool file is to rename your edited tool file to another .csv file and place it in the same directory as the "toolfile.csv" (which in Vista is C:\Program Data\Sprut Technology\SprutCAM 2007\Libraries). Then change SC configuration to use your edited tool file. This is acheived under the Machining tab - select the machine (top line of left hand window) - Parameters - select the machine you use - select Tool library in right hand column - select the displayed ... which will take you to the tool library directory.

    Note that you can also nominate your tool change position by entering X00, Y00, Z80 for example or just Z80. This will change to tool change position for the SC toolpath simulation.


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Thanks for the reply bevinp!

    I am fully aware of the details of a .csv file and initially tried editing the file in MS Excel and saving as a .csv file without success. Even though the tool table file has a .csv extension it actually contains semicolons to delimit the fields in the tool information portion of the file. Although I can set the delimiter type when I bring the file into Excel and I have not been able to save the file with semicolons. Excel saves it it with commas to seperate the fields.

    I tried editing the file in Notepad and it is tedious also because as you mention you should add spaces to make the columns align. The new format seems to have additional fields for each tool at the end of the line so I had hoped to just cut out the tool information part from my previous file and paste it over the same fields in the new file. I have a program editor that has the capability to bring in a text file and then select rows, columns or rectangular portions of text so I can cut out the block I want but when I paste it over the same rectangular fields in the new file it puts the remaining fields on different lines instead of in front on the same lines.

    If I have to exit the file manually and key in the information and then add spaces to align the columns in Notepad I may as well just enter the information manually in the tool table editor built into Sprutcam. That probably wouldn't be bad if I just had tool description, length and diameter information for each tool but I have feeds, speeds, and tool holder defenitions also.

    P.S. - To make matters worse there seems to be some Russian characters embedded in the new file which some editors won't recognize.

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