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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > CamWorks > CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    Hi guys

    Over the last day or so I've been trying to find which method is best to mill this angled surface.

    In another cam package I've used I just run an endmill down the hill in straight lines and get an acceptable finish, but in CamWorks I cannot find a way that doesn't leave steps in the angle requiring extra hand sanding later.

    I also have a couple angled surfaces like this that are external and not in a pocket, so advice on those also would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    turn the cut direction 90 degrees ? and then it will be the same as your other cam package ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    Using what method though?

    It won't allow me to select the angle as a 2.5 mill, will only let me select it as a 3 axis mill, I cannot find a feature that allows for straight cuts that are not a objecting type movement

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    I'm wondering about this also, not in camworks, but in general.
    Is there a name for this toolpath? inclined plane?
    I was trying to figure this out, using indexed B axis to tilt the tool tip perpendicular to the angled surface, with the hopes of a cam that would translate XYZ movement.
    It may work just as well as a regular 3d toolpath.

    In case anyone out there know the answer but doesn't understand the dilemma.
    (I think we have the same issue)
    We need the cam to make a basic 2d pocketing toolpath, but in a plane at an angle to XZ or YZ


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    Quote Originally Posted by alan_3301 View Post

    (I think we have the same issue)
    We need the cam to make a basic 2d pocketing tool path, but in a plane at an angle to XZ or YZ

    Pretty much.

    I just need the angled plane to appear flat, not stepped!

    The closest I've come with CamWorks is using the "Constant Stepover" feature, but it still pockets out, so there is still slight steps at the ends when it moves to the neck path.

    I cannot figure out a way for it to do the full movement in a straight line, then move across and do the next full movement in a straight line without pocketing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    I think hand editing in the Z depth would be the easiest way, assuming the cam outputs the pocket as lines the entire length of the pocket, and not hundreds of segments.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    I was thinking about it, if doing it the way I was thinking, there would be a cusp, just like using a ball nose cutter on a non angled surface.
    What kind of stepover would be good for say a 1/2" diam cutter, to remove most of the cusp?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    yes there will be a slight rounding on the surface ... have you tried a Legacy finish ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bl@ckrat View Post
    yes there will be a slight rounding on the surface ... have you tried a Legacy finish ?
    I had tried the Legacy rough, which didn't follow the plane so I never tried the Legacy finish.

    I just did so and yes, it it so far the best option! Much better than what I had as a backup plan

    I am however failing to get it to cut the entire path which leave's an odd shape, eg: for some reason it enters 1/3 up the ledge in the first cut and exits 1/3 of the way back down the ledge on the last, I cannot see anywhere to change this in the settings

    Thank you for pointing me in this direction.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    erm, you should be able to change start and finish parameters .... will need to double check that

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    I still haven't been able to fix the start finish thing, but I did run this tool path today to see how smooth those angled cuts are and I'm very happy with the finish.

    Now just to fix that start finish thing and remove all the air cutting I had from cross over paths.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    Hey demonx,

    This looked like an interesting problem so I made a similar model and used legacy finish mill with slice and zigzag to get this toolpath. This looks like it might work. I always like to move up in Z so I went from side to side instead of end to end with a hog nose cutter.


    Attachment 257938
    Attachment 257940

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Re: CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    Yes check parameters

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Re: CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    Still looks good, but still may need hand finish, or a bead blaster to improved finished product

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    it might don't looking so professional... but...

    long time, before programs were not so accessible than today..
    make a flat toolpath

    save g code. written Z value in each block

    load into excel, and get Z value either from X or Y value.. pending wheres the inclinatinon directed..

    my another opinion, setting the toolpath direction to the inclination, can be set larger stepover then across to the inclination...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Re: CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    Well that's a thought, Look into a different cam system, if you plan to do 3-d surfacing.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    its not a tought :-)

    when cnc, or say in that time was called NC got out to simple companies, there were no ""camprogram"" on the market..

    I only pulled it up as an interesting approach.. I don't wish people use it.. it just possible..

    today these methods are forgotten because even free camprograms available..
    in the late 70s or early 80's there were no software company at all on the market..

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Re: CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    I do remember tape drive cnc, very hard to edit punch tape. Just not able to to what the technology has to offer today's standards. Thanks FISHINGUY.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    youre right..

    on the high end, some program system cost almost like a cheaper house..
    on the low end (in price) free and very low cost programs offer almost same.. less comfortable, but you get the ability with them..

    the high speed machining where tool engagement is equalized present in the most expenses systems..
    on other end it also present in cambam.. for 150... so we can say buy what you can afford..

    I saw in 1980 first ""cnc"" ... I had already 5 year behind me on conventional machines.. so I could see what advantages coming from.. I was only bystander because only engineers programmed and operated them.. no one knew where it will grow out..
    only much later around 90 got closer..

  20. #20

    Re: CamWorks - Angled surface - how would you approach?

    Quote Originally Posted by alan_3301 View Post
    I'm wondering about this also, not in camworks, but in general.
    Is there a name for this toolpath? inclined plane?
    I was trying to figure this out, using indexed B axis to tilt the tool tip perpendicular to the angled surface, with the hopes of a cam that would translate XYZ movement.
    It may work just as well as a regular 3d toolpath.

    In case anyone out there know the answer but doesn't understand the dilemma.
    (I think we have the same issue)
    We need the cam to make a basic 2d pocketing toolpath, but in a plane at an angle to XZ or YZ

    Sure camworks can do this, but you need to modify your post to support it.
    Assign the part setup perpendicular to the plane that you are going to machining and assign a fixture coordinate system which will be your work coordinate system (G54 ~ G59).
    In the post, you must turn on world coordinate output by setting => WORLD_POSITIONING=TRUE

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