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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > Uncategorised CAM Discussion > Machine recognizing T## commands (no M06) as tool change commands
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2023

    Post Machine recognizing T## commands (no M06) as tool change commands

    Hello everyone, first time posting here!

    I have experience running an Avid CNC with Fusion 360/Mach 4 and am now working with a friend/employer getting his OMNI CNC 1530 ATC (2x12) machine setup and operational. It uses a SYNTEC 6MD controller.

    I've worked through most of the bugs, have the tool offsets and everything working, but I have one issue that I can't seem to solve. When I post process code that will be using multiple tools (for now in Fusion 360 and soon in Mozaik) at the start of the program it will input both tool numbers (see the attached file, lines N14 to N15).

    The machine will first grab Tool 1 with the "T1 M06" code in line 14 (the correct tool for this portion of the toolpath) but then immediately puts it back and grabs Tool 2 with the "T2" in line 15 (which will be used later in the program).

    Any idea's on what to change on either the controller so it'll only grab tools when it's a T## paired with M06 command, or how to edit the post processor I'm using in Fusion 360 so it doesn't output that second T command?

    (One last note, I've been using the Fusion360 preloaded "SYNTEC" post processor, but I've also tried the "Fanuc" and "RS-2744" post processor with the same results)

    Thank you kindly!
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by TravisDoenThings; 10-27-2023 at 10:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Machine recognizing T## commands (no M06) as tool change commands

    When in the Fusion 360 Post Processor screen, try unclicking the “preload tool” box under Preferences.

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