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Thread: okuma lathe

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    okuma lathe

    Good morning anyone: I am trying to edit an OKUMA LATHE post processor.I am trying to get it to output tool monitoring code at the tool change statement. ( VLMON[3]=3 ) and ( VLMON[3]=0 ) before the next tool change. It would look something like this:

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    I am really struggling with this!
    [email protected]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    ***Save a copy of the post***

    Open your post with a text editor, cimco is ok

    in the tlchgl section, find a command for "coolant"
    and insert a line before it ( line up the text similar to the other lines -don't use TAB)
    "-----------HERE --ON--", e$
    and save the post, then post a toolpath
    use this method to narrow the placement of the command you wish to post out
    Don't do too much in one go, as it it hard to reverse changes to get it running again ( that's why you save a copy at the beginning, )

    When you find the correct spot
    replace the "HERE" line with
    n$, "VLMON[", t,"]=3 ( Tool monitor ON )", e$
    save it, and post it to check if OK

    now use the same method for turning it OFF
    but I think the section you want is "retract", and should have a sg28 or "G0X250.Z250." in it.

    If you get problems, put your post into a zip folder and attach that folder to your next message

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    okuma problem

    Superman: Recieved your last suggestion . Still having problems with the load monitor output. I attached a zip file of my post. Could you take a look at it ?
    I would greatly appreciate it. I have been editing my tape files too long.
    Thank you for your help!

    [email protected]
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Back at you
    2 lines added, used tloffno$ to get the actual number of the tool used
    do a compare or search for # added ST
    No other alterations done
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Superman: Tried the last change. We are getting very VERY close on this thing.
    I repositioned the two lines you added and the output is looking great.The only problem is between the brackets.I need only the tool offset number in the the brackets. I have attached a zip file of the output now. And a zip file of the post. The output I am looking for is : VLMON[1]=3 (MONITOR ON) AND VLMON[1]=0 (MONITOR OFF).

    Thanks for th e help and your time. I greatly appreciate it.
    [email protected]
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Hey guys, I've been lurking on this thread and, must admit down loaded the pst file to see the different output.

    Did simple one diameter turn ( turn rough ) and posted it ( take a look and understand the changes you guys are talking about ) but no actuall G01 or turning canned cycle moves were called out. Just a rapid move to the cycle start point and a return to the safe tool change position. Seems odd. No?
    9 1/2
    B.C.I.T. Machinist CNC

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Take 2, you should be OK from here if any mods are required

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