Hi everyone after lurking in here for about 5 years I have finally decided that I am going to convert my Hafco HM45 to CNC. (Aussie version previously sold by Hare and Forbes, machineryhouse.com.au)

I am looking for a simple 4 axis conversion using stepper motors and from what I have read here 250 oz should be good for the X and Y and I am hoping the A via a rotary table and will use 880 oz on the Z with some counter weight. Ordered first of the parts lastnight. I know some of you have used 450s on the Z but I want to test out the 880 to get ready for my next build which will be a Mechmate router capable of 2.4 x 1.2 sheet.

Initally I am going to use the stock screws and later on when bank balance recovers convert to ball screws however I think I have to convert my Z screw to start with and so am looking for some guidance here.

While I have found some really great threads in here, HOSS, over 200 pages in the new thread alone, Gd Marsh coming up on 70 pages, gid2 and others all containing great information most seem to have been doing this for so long you all have a good grasp on where and whose thread to look at for ideas and quite often when it comes to the details say things like " did this the same as others"

SOOO!oooo!!! I am looking for the easy way out here could people post the links to suitable threads on the Z Axis conversion of a "45" RF, PM, HM, ZX etc please. I find if I search on Z axis or Z-Axis I just get too many hits to even consider chasing down.

Perhaps we could even start an index thread of machine type and area of modification. What do you think, or is their an easier way that I just havent found yet.

Good luck with everybodys build as I change from "lurking" mode to "building" mode and a happy and safe festive season to you all.

Cheers Mal