Haven't made too many updates to my machine lately. I picked up an air cylinder off of ebay cheap a couple weeks ago in order to add a pneumatic drawbar. There have been a lot of good ideas flying around here lately on that topic and it has motivated me to put one on the mill. The cylinder was supposed to be NOS. It may be but I cracked it open to find that the shaft is pretty rusted. First step after the holidays will be to replace the shaft. I'm just going with a manual lever... no plans for an ATC any time soon. I am probably going to redesign the treadmill mount while I'm at it or at least the tooth count on the gears. Once I wired the spindle control to the BOB I found that I lost about 750 RPM or so. I want to get my max RPMs back up to 5500 to 6000. I never drew it up the first time so I will try to do that this time and add it to my cnc plans thread.