I'm trying to setup Mach3 for the first time and have a couple of questions:

1) easiest one first. The active low check box, is it suppose to be a check or an X? Does X mean active high? And a check active low? So if I'm wiring an NC limit switch, i think of it as triggered when open, so active low, that would mean a Check in the box? Or does it mean under operating conditions it is active high and should have a X in box. Same question with step and direction pins.

2) other question is about motor tuning and setup. I will be working in metric, do I still set up the motor tuning in in or should in convert my TPI to meteric and use those numbers for that screen. I ask because there was a warning screen about this not being we're you setup units.



Ps. Does anyone have/know of a 5 axis screen with a larger resolution like 1280x768