Hello to all. I'm finally started my first build. I've been lurking in here and learning for about three years untill the funds built up, and I can now proudly proclaim...I KNOW IT ALL!...reality check! Seriously, I have learned a lot from everyone who has posted their builds here and from a lot of websites linked from here. My machine is going to be a compilation of what I think is the best of what everyeone else has done...I like "Joes 2006" torsion box and "Patricks" rails and V groove bearings for starters. I plan to give credit where it is due as I progress thru this so every one can see how I arrived at the final results. I have the entire project done in AutoCAD but I won't post it untill I have permission from the idea originators.

My first question is how do I post the pictures I have as the thumbnails I see other people using? I have about 15 pictures already but I don't want to overload the thread.

If you're are wondering how I arrived with a name like "MISTRESS BUILD" it was actually named by my wife of 37 years. She wants to know how she is going to compete with something that runs by computer and makes widgets?

Lastly for this post...If you see me doing something that might be a problem...Pipe up!!...