I plan to build a 100-150W CNC laser sometime in the future, but I have been thinking of getting one of the under $1,000 Chinese lasers first to learn more about laser cutting and engraving and to get some experience before doing things wrong on building the bigger laser. Working with the smaller laser will also help me to figure out what size of big laser I will really need and/or if I would be better off upgrading my CNC router instead.

What thicknesses of materials and cut speeds can I expect to get on the 40W? In particular I was wondering on max speed on 1/8" acrylic, max speed on 1/4" acrylic or if it will even cut that thick, and speeds on 1/16" and 1/8" plywood and 1/4" if it will cut that thick. Also wondering about 1/8" masonite since I use that for patterns to cut metal with my Heck Trace-a-punch nibbler.