Hey folks, I hoped you could help me with this one because I'm stumped. I tried to run a long file last night and when it finished, the design look like you took a real-life Photoshop "Smudge" tool to the whole thing. Take a look at the attached pics.
The first is what it's supposed to look like...

Perfectly symmetrical, and about 26 inches long.

Here's how it came out...

The Vectric file looks fine, as you can see, and the tap file in Mach3 seems to be ok. I skimmed the G Code and it looks like it never goes further than 13" in one direction and -13" in the other, but the file is skewed way out of those boundaries (it even munched-up my mounting screws, which should have been about 2.5" away from the nearest cut).
I ran some tests on the table again, and it jogs just fine, and is very accurate, so the motor math is ok too.

Whatever this error was, it was something in the file, not something simple like the table slipping, because it reproduced the error across many, many passes.

Any ideas? I'm stumped. Nothing adds up here. The table worked fine about a week ago and nothing has changed since then.
