I'm sure someone somewhere has had this problem, but it's a tricky one to search for..

Anyway, just mounted my X and Y axis to my RF-40 conversion. I've had all 3 of my motors hooked up to the controller as a test and managed to have them working fine. Then I mounted the Y axis to the machine and of course I had to try it. Initially I had a fault light, then I turned the parallel cable around (one side of the cable is missing one pin..!) and the fault light went away, everything worked fine.

It worked fine for a few days like that until last night, when I finally got around to mounting the X axis motor. Plugged everything in and had a fault light again. Took the parallel cable off as a test, and still had a red light. Removed the X axis, still red. Removed the Y axis, and it finally went green.

Plugged the X axis again got a green light. Ah, must be something wrong with the Y axis!.. Plugged it in again, green light. Remember I had a red light a minute ago with the same combination. Ah, must have been plugged in wrong or something, so I plugged in the parallel cable and got a red light.

Hmmm.. I removed the parallel cable and still got a red light! Argh!

Seems like something is really throwing the drive off and it won't clear until I remove everything and plug it in again. Any ideas?

g540, 425oz/in nema 23 motors and Mach3, parallel port set to EPP. The pin missing on the parallel cable is pin 15, one of the inputs I believe, which I haven't set to anything in Mach3.

Thanks in advance for any help!