
I'm struggling with something that is pretty basic and I think, simple, but I'm not getting anywhere.

There are lots of examples of free g code on the web, but unless the poster tells me the X0Y0 point to start from, I usually can't tell. Sometimes when I load the file and look at the table display in Mach it's easy to see, but most of the time it's not obvious.

Another related question is, some times when I load a file, such as that came with the 1100, it shows up on the dashed outline of the table, but other times, such as roadrunner.tap, which also came with the mill, it shows up outside the table area. Roadrunner shows up just above and at the left edge of the outline. All these examples are with the system freshly referenced. One suggestion I recieved was to move the spindle to roughly the center of the table and zero X & Y and I would have the red line to the start point of the work. That seems to happen when the work shows up on the table (, but doesn't with the other files (roadrunner.tap, etc.)

Any insight into my errors would be greatly appreciated.
