Hi guys.

I just pulled the trigger on the Carving CNC 6040 kit with stepper motors included. I choose not to buy this with the electronics because of all the problems/troubleshooting i have read on this forum.

I will probably buy the Gecko 540 and a 48V PSU. I have found a couple of interesting combos on ebay and on some other shops around the world.

An example is this combo: G540 Stepper Controller Package (No motors included) [CC-01] - US$350.00 : Homann Designs!, The preferred CNC Component Supplier. It doesnt say if this is a 110 or 230 voltage package, but i can see a mark on the photo stating 200-230V i think so I bet im safe there.

The spindle I want to use is the Kress 1050W, and i have found a couple of these as well on ebay. Also found a clamp for the Kress and i hope I can manage to make a fastening point on the Z axis for this one. It should not be an issue.

For me, as far as i can see, the Kress will be a easier solution not have to think about water cooling and such things. The minus is that i am not able to set the speed for an accurate RPM. But I guess it will work reasonably good for a hobby-artist like me!

So, there my knowledge stops so far.

Will also try to find an old PC, not a laptop, to use with this machine. I will use the Mach3 for running the machine but for CAD and such I am not sure what to go for but thats a minor worry!

I have also read something about bad cables to the steppers? Are the cables winded, or is it possible to change them out to shielded ones?

As you can see, i have a lot of challenges to get this to work since my knowledge is on a minimum stage at this point. But, with a little help from the CNC community, and some reading and studying i WILL get this to work! Thanks in adcance for any help provided.