Hello to all
I have buy Myano TSV21 milling and tapping centar with Fanuc OM control
Starrting screen(OMM:0A06-03;PMC:G01A-01) but without parameters.I put back all parameters and everythink works great except changing tools.When i tip T1M6 in MDI nothing happened, machine wait without any error.This is happening also in AUTO mode.Macro program 9003 is not calling.I have macro for tool change but can't find parameters for setup.This control don't have parameters 220-229;230-239;240-242.They are going from 1-219 and than next page jump to 500.When i start directly macro program 9003 machine go to ref G28Z0 take M19 position start to unclamp the tool and ATC led ocurs.Any help for you guys ?