My machine is down at the moment due to a weird problem with one of my SLAmstepper controllers and I am hoping someone (James?) can point me in the right direction.

What happened was a motor cable got pulled off while the machine was running. After killing the power as soon as I could and plugging the motor back in, the SLAm attached to the motor didn't work. Well, not "didn't work" at all, the motor wouldn't turn, just like it was stalled (read horrible noise). I double checked the motor was OK and then deduced the SLAm had died.

So I bought another SLAm chip and replaced it but there is something weird going on. What happens is the directions seem to get confused. I mean if I press the right arrow to jog right the motor will go left on one press and right on the other. The same happens pressing the left direction arrow to jog left. The motor will go in either direction if I tell the axis to move to a certain point, for example if it is at 200mm and I tell it to go to 500 there is a 50/50 chance it will go to 500 and a 50/50 chance it will go to -100.

Has anyone any ideas on what components on the board may be causing this? If it is yet another SLAm chip then I will be buying another controller that is not SLAm based. If it is something simple like the bc327 I will replace that but I am not spending more and more fixing the SLAmstepper.

ANy help or pointers would be appreciated.
