I have done a bit of search here, Google and the Yahoo group and I seem to be missing some thing.

Here are my system specs,

I have separate limit/home switches at both ends of travel all all 3 axis. These are wired in the OPTI-IN of a Kanalog board.

This is on a mill. My drives are controlled by step/dir signals and the loop is closed at the drives (not sure this really matters).

I'm using Mach3 for my control software. As of right now I can jog and run g-code with no problems.

I'm having trouble seeing how to get Mach3/kflop to home my machine.

Lets start with getting Mach3 to pass the homing call to Kflop. In my searching I found reference to this page Mach3 Plugin Enoder Setup which states that I need to modify the ref x/y/z buttons in Mach3. Only differences that I see between my button configs and the pics in the above link is the OEM code#. Mine are set on 22, 23, 24. The above link has them set for 1022, 1023, 1024, I assume this is what I need to change. It's not clear on that page what actually needs to be changed.

I didn't find any information on what may need to be done with the 'Ref all' button in Mach. My best guess is I leave this one alone since it looks like it just "pushes" the ref x/y/z buttons for me.

Now on to the c program.

I have been studying SimpleHome3Axis.c and HomeMach3.c, it has been a while since I have done any type of programming but its starting to come back. Below is how I think my c program should look.

Note I'm only working on the the z-axis. Figure I get that one working and the others are going to be really easy to set up.

Couple of questions on some of the code.

Jog(2,100); // So this reads jog axis number 2 (Z-axis) at 100 counts/second? If this jogs the wrong way do I just change the 100 to a negative number?

while (!ReadBit(10)) // I think the '10' in this statements needs to be changed to the input number that I have the home switch connected too.

Move(2,-1000.0); // Is the -1000.0 the number of encoder counts the motor is suppose to move? I would like 0.1" back off from the home switch, I have 10,000 counts/inch so it looks like the -1000.0 would be the correct number.


#include "KMotionDef.h"

//Plugin calls for Mach3 Home (actually Purge) Commands

	int flags = persist.UserData[5];  // Mach3 flags bit0=X, bit1=Y, Bit2=Z, etc...

	printf("Mach3 Home Call, flags = %d\n",flags); 
	if (flags==1)
		// do x homing here


	if (flags==2)
		// do y homing here

	if (flags==4)
		// Z-axis Homing

	int SaveZLimits;  	//place to save limit switch settings
	DisableAxis(2);  	// Disable Z axis
		// I don't have access to my axis parameters right now.
		// My machine is at my dads house, I know what needs to go here.

			// Set the axis parameters here
			// after everything is configured in the KMotion Screens
			// use copy C Code to clipboard on the configuration screen
			// then paste here.  Repeat for each axis

	SaveZLimits = ch2->LimitSwitchOptions;	// save how the limit is set
	ch2->LimitSwitchOptions = 0;		// disable the limit
	EnableAxis(2);				// enable Z axes and begin servoing where we are 

	// jog z-axis until it sees the limit

    Jog(2,100);					// jog slowly positive
    while (!ReadBit(10)) ; 		 	// loop until IO bit goes high
    Jog(2,0);					// stop
    while (!CheckDone(2)) ; 			// loop until motion completes 
    DisableAxis(2);				// disable the axis
    Zero(2);					// Zero the position 
    EnableAxis(2);				// re-enable the ServoTick
    Move(2,-1000.0);			// move some amount inside the limits
    while (!CheckDone(2)) ; 			// loop until motion completes 
    ch2->LimitSwitchOptions = SaveZLimits;  // restore limit settings

