Hey guys. I hate to keep using you geniuses and hitting-and-running for advice so let me say that I have indeed used the search button prior to posting.

I last posted about a wire gauge question for powering a home Bridgeport. Well, I ended up buying a new bike and sort of forgot about the Bridgeport all summer. It got cold quickly so I'm stuck in the garage again.
I ended up crunching numbers based off a welder (max amperage I would ever draw at once) and ran 8/3, some conduit, all the way to my breaker. I plan on adding a sub panel out in the garage but for now the Bridgeport is all that would be on this line.

I bought a Hitachi WJ200-SF015.
I wired it up, it turns on, fantastic. (Haven't wired it to the Bridgeport yet)
Why the Hitachi VFD? I plan on expanding to a CNC machine and wanted precise control. For now it's just an old round ram Bridgeport.

So like I said, I did use the search and I did read. I found out I have to bypass the drum switch and run the VFD straight to the motor. From there I should be able to control forward and reverse.
Now my issue is what do I do about the power feed? I looked at a few models of Bridgeports before purchasing this one. I chose this one for it's factory power feed.

Stock wiring goes into a junction box and splits off to the power feed and to the drum switch. I've only removed the wires from the drum switch so far.

I can't help but feel I should've bought a rotary instead of the VFD. Most of what I've read so far is about hooking up the Bridgeport motor. I haven't seen anything about the power feed.
I'm also concerned with power tapping. From what I've seen of other people's Bridgeports with VFD's I won't be able to start, stop, and reverse while power tapping.

Questions, comments, laugh at me?