Hi Folks,
Firstly lots of really great information on this forum and many great CNC builds so thank you to all who contribute as this info is invaluable to a newbie

Unfortunately its out of desperation that I turn to everyone on the forum to help me. 10 months ago I ordered a promica HM kit, double ball nuts the lot to allow me to carry out a cnc conversion of my SX3. It was all bought and paid for via bank transfer from the UK a not insignificent amount of money. To date I have not received any part of this kit, many times it has been promised to me to be delived by x and then nothing, Marc has recently stopped responding to E-Mails.

Does anyone know the status of this company and whether it is still in existence. I decided on the promica kit as I liked the design of the kit and the aftersales service appeared to be excellent

Many Thanks Paul

Any help or information would be great, I just want the kit