Hi robin
one more sugestion to connect your new tube this is from a big laser tube manufacturer.
you should against the way how the most machines come where the water connection goes in at the positive side and exit at the negative side , thats wrong it should be the other way around and the tube should be a bit slanted towards the exit side by just turning the tube a bit.
the reason for this is that the most heat is generated at the beam exit side of the tube and there should the cooled water enter the tube. the slant is that any airbubbles what are the same way dangerous for the tube are forced out.
the best water temperature is between 19 to 20 degreeC I am driving my tube this waywith a thermostat which switches the cooling fan who is in front of a 120mm radiator which is in front of a window airconditioner unit what I have anyway because it gets pretty hot here.

Quote Originally Posted by Robin Hewitt View Post
The tube and PSU are going in the bin

I have now gone paranoid about tube temperature, totally anal.

Question: I plan to add a thermal laser shut off switch shortly after the tube outlet. I can switch at 60 or 70degC (140 - 160degF). Which would you use?

I've also ordered a radiator, a fan and a panel themometer.

I dug out a flow meter from my junk pile, then decided it would be much easier to make a little pot with a hole in the bottom. If full it pushes down on a microswitch and gives the laser an okay to cut. I can 3D print it and make it integral with the hose clamps.