We have a YCM Supermax 1020xv with a fanuc MXP-200i control. The indexer is a Haas HRT-210. The company has been indexing for years by using only the 4 pin trigger and finish signal relay via M54 code. The problem is, people crash way too much from starting the machine with the indexer on the wrong step number (BOOOOM). I've been doing a lot of reading on controlling the indexer through the rs232 port (also used to send and receive programs). I have successfully configured the fanuc control and haas control parameters to rotate the indexer. I have to have dedicated sub programs for the angle that I want to index to. So, for example, in the program I call a sub that has all of the DPRNT lines (angle, absolute, etc.) to put into the indexer then execute an M54. This is a Pain in the butt because I have to change or create a new sub every time I want a different angle. My next step is to create a macro to allow me to just put the desired angle in the main program (possibly a macro variable IDK). For some reason all of the stuff I read about macro programming doesn't stick. Lol. Thanks in advance for any help.