I am trying to put together a sample of the code for my machine to provide to an integrator of EdgeCAM to develop a post processor. I've done very little with cutter comp in the conversational interface, mostly doing moves for manual drilling with the quill or doing facing operations to material hanging out of the vice. I'm hoping someone would be willing to evaluate my program to make sure I am doing things right. Below is the drawing, the conversational, and g-code files pertaining to this part. This is a made up part, nothing like I have done, but similar to what I would like to be able to do with EdgeCAM. Of concern is the cross shaped pocket. It appears that the program mills from the outside edge of the pocket to the inside. I would like to machine this from the inside out leaving 0.010" for a finish pass. I do not want to use any of the canned pocket cycles as these will be of no benefit to the integrator who has to write the post. The pocket clear cycles for irregular shaped pockets seem to only clear in the X direction and not follow the profile of the part.

If anyone has sample programs that I could verify run on my machine I could provide to my integrator, that would be most welcome. The more complex, the better. Using tool changes, flood coolant, and mist coolant are desirable.

The MB20 I have is a bedmill with no tool changer, 3-axis, 4000 max RPM.

Thanks in advance for any assistance provided!


