
I've been running Mach 3 on a small shopbuilt router, and it works O/K, except it is too slow. I recently acquired an older hardly used Vytec router, forerunner to the Rebel series.

It has an HPGL plotter driver 2 1/2D board to run it. We've removed this board and interfaced Mach 3 with the existing stepper drives.

IN the drive tuning mode, I can get this sucker running smoothly with nice accel / decal ramping at 500 IPM in X (dual timing belt type drive), 400 IPM in Y (ball screw), and 300 IPM in Z (ball screw). It jogs just fine without skipping a step. If I try to jog from the Mach 3 jog window, it misses steps horridly at 100%, and sounds like it's grinding to death at lower speeds (say around 25%). It misses steps in G0 moves and g1 moves above about 100 IPM. It appears that it's somehow ignoring the accel / decal curves except in the motor tuning mode. I must be missing a key setup someplace.

Any ideas?

