Dear all,

I am trying to help my neighbour configure his new JX-6090 CNC router he bought from in China. I am an IT guy and have zero knowledge with CNC machine and software. I hope I can find some help here, we have contacted the manufactor with some questions but we have problems understanding eachother.

So to make a long story short, when I turn on the CNC router and open Ncstudio V5.4.53 the X-Y-Z axis move by themselves until they pass the limit switch and make a grinding noise. I then have to power off the CNC router.

I found a couple posts on this forum with people saying they had the same issue, but there was never a clear answer on how to configure the axis so they dont move automatically.

Does anyone know how to configure NCstudio to work correctly with a JX-6090 machine ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :drowning:

Thanks in advance,


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Attachment 195342