Just thought I would chime in and give bobcad their due.

I have been a customer for about ten years. I started with version 17. Over the years, I have upgraded when I could afford it. Bobcad will call you so often, that they will finally call when you are flush with cash...leading to an upgrade. Honestly though, several of my upgrades were feature driven. Particularly version 25.

Some months back I upgraded version 25 std to 3 axis mill pro. This was definately worth the money. The toolpaths are much better and have many more options.

Last week I called bobcad (stockholm syndrome) and upgraded to 4th axis standard and they "threw in" full simulation.

Now I have many more options for fourth axis work. Its not the pro (very expensive) but it gives me much more functionality over 3 axis cuts at an indexed location on my 4th axis (not that that is not really useful, mind you)

4th axis simulation is amazing. the full machine sim is really helpful. I cant wait to draw my machines components correctly and imput them into the simulation.

Overall, my ten year relationship with bobcad has been up and down. I can add that most of it has been good, but when its bad, it can be quite a struggle.

I have spent around 3500-4000 with bobcad over the years and dont regret any of it. The expendatures I have been most glad to have made are the first and the most recent. 25 3 axis pro and 25 4th axis standard with full sim were worth the money.