I was hoping someone here could help me with a programming problem on a TC22 with a dx32 control
I have 62 parts to setup and drill a bolt pattern which is no problem but I need to cut an o-ring groove around a .250 hole that gets drilled in the same surface
The o-ring groove is .093 wide with an o.d of .750 and is .05 deep
It is located at X +1.121 and y +1.344
The large bolt circle is around x0. and y0.
I just can't get the control to cut the circle at the desired location
If some one could shed some light on how to do this I would appreciate it
Just not sure in how to setup the i-j-k shifts
I am going to cut this with a 3/32 em so I only need to make a pass around the groove without
any cutter comp
I will do it in 3 step down passes to get to depth
Thanks for your time