
I have a dwg file that i imported in to bobcad and then did a extrude curve function on the geometry. Everything is beautiful until i went to do a simple fillet....only on one part of the part can i get it to work. The other fillet areas selected fail.

I watched an old video that AL did for v23....but it didn't really fix my issue.

Is the issue from importing a dwg from MCX the issue? It was just a wire dwg....I think it could be since i can do a new drawing in bobcad and it works fine...but i do not want to have to redraw this part in bobcad just to put a fillet on so i can so the 3d model of it...

any suggestions? I cant post the file since I do not have permission....just asking if anyone else may have ran into has to be simple and somthing i am over looking