I am interested in doing a simple sign.. i.e.. My name.. i would like to have it in relief: that is, i would like to route away everything but my name, so it stands out. Is there a way of doing this without spending a fortune?

I have Corel 10, Mach 3, access to (possibly) Bobcad and mastercam9 (Depends on whether my friend's boss will allow me access to the systems after hours or not.. still waiting on an answer on that one, so I guess i should assume that bobcad & mastercam are out for now..)

I do have DanCad/Cam, but have not spend much time with it ..

My questions is.. what would be the easieest and/or least expensive method. I have virtually NO funds left after building my machine, and what i do have will be going towards registering Mach3 in a few weeks..

Thanks for any information and/or suggestions..

Eddie Miller

BTW.. the outline of the letters is easy using DeskEngrave, Coreltrace, etc, but how do i create a toolpath that pockets everything OTHER than the letters?