Looking to get my first servo spinning and activated properly.

And was hoping to get a few simple C code examples to activate it and jog around abit with Kcnc.

I have 2 snap amps. Servo is connected to Channel 8 of snap 0

Using CHA_DIFFPLUS_0 and CHA_DIFFMINUS_0 for encoder A signal connected
and CHA_DIFFPLUS_1 CHA_DIFFMINUS_0 and for encoder B signal connected
and using CHA_DIFFPLUS_2 (Bit 68) for the I signal (signal that pulses once per revolution)

servo is connected to axis 0 out0,out1 & out2

Servo has a 8000 pulse per rev encoder.

For some reason when I run the phasefind program, my servo does not spin 2 full rotations as the description says, also does not always spin past where I know the rotation pulse I would be, so a little confused about that. Can get it to spin longer if I increase the ignore parameter

In anycase hope this is pretty simple configuration and once past this example can replicate for the other axis and run some tuning

I have had a dynomotion board running another machine with Kanalog running a 4 analog moog drives. Had a lot of help (and guess I've forgotten alot) of how to set things up in the 2 years since I did that.
