Hi All
I hope you can help
I bought an 80 watt CO2 laser tube and I am having problems and hope you can help.

The tube is brand new but has been boxed waiting for install for 12 months
I loose power after about 20 minutes with the pump running even if I don’t fire the laser
When I press the Test button on the power supply I get 14 mA current and I can see a pink glow in the tube , no arcing of the voltage
The laser has power then after about 5 minutes of running the power almost disappears and almost no mark on thermal paper at the end of the tube

My set up is as follows
Tube is 80 watts and 80 watt power supply
I have a water chiller and the temp is set to 16 deg C
Anode and cathode connections OK
Water flow correct and is dematerialized water
The pump is a water fountain pump
I have a water flow meter connected and the flow is 7 to 10 L per hour

Any suggestions.
Regards peter