Have any of you replaced the (homier) Spindle motor? I have been thinking about it since my CNC parts are almost finished, once everything is together I will post pictures. Ok so the stock motor seems a little bit crappy, and I plan on doing a fair bit of threading and already have an Photointerrupter for the spindle GP1A05 here is a link to check out the specs http://www.datasheetcatalog.com/data...A/GP1A05.shtml

but I am not sure what motor to go with, I would like something that runs on standard 110v, and maybe 3/4-1hp should be more than enough. I am running ballscrews, and basically everything is custom made through collaberation with Mark Wrathall (hes on the boards a lot as rotarysmp) and Pierre Ingels. So I am really excited to get this thing humming with a motor! All suggestions welcome!

