So i've been looking at a Chinese machine for awhile now, getting prices from a lot of different cnc branches and so far always keep coming back to Quick Cnc they seem to me at my level of knowledge to be the best spec'ed for the money.
so i have a few questions.

1. on a rotary axis if the diameter is say 240mm i can only odvousily fit material up to 240mm diameter round right... but could i say if the machine rotary axis only fits 240 dia still machine somthing 300mm round if the timber is 240 at the end where it goes in the chuck of the 240mm roatry axis ? makes sense to me but just wanted to check ?

2. should i just straight out get (if i can) Mach 3 ?

3. is it worth paying alittle extra to get the itailian spindle over the chinese ?

as i think of more questions i'll post them but thanks in advance to any help!