I guy I ride bikes with wants to put the POW-MIA image (the one with the face in the foreground and the tower in the background) onto a part for his bike. He is special forces, air borne, etc. Hell of a nice guy with tons of honors and medals. He is a real hero in my opinion.

He was using a decal and it was not working so well in my opinion. So, I spoke up and said "We could scribe the image into that trans cover on my mill." This was before I realized that it was a convex surface. I have SheetCam and Mach3. Mach3 can handle this task but, I don't think SheetCam can do the 3d conversion.

I am reaching out for some free assistance. I am charging nothing to him and want to avoid cost. This is a "Because he deserves it!" type project. Not a profit project.

For those that might be interested in helping out. A finished drawing in DXF would help. This would give me a starting point. Right now I am looking at hand tracing the image in TurboCad.

After the drawing and solid is done, I will need someone to convert it to g-code that will work on Mach3. This is assuming that my infant level CAD skills can achieve the task.

If anyone is interested in participating in this project, let me know. I will not be using the results of the project for any financial gains.
