Just finalizing the setup on my pieced-together CNC router. I am using the following components:

Gecko G540 Controller
Hitachi WJ200 2.2kW VFD
Chinese 2.2kW Spindle

I took apart the Chinese spindle and connected pin 4 to the body of the spindle which goes to earth on the VFD. I am going to wire up my touch plate to one of the homing inputs on the G540 and for the touch plate to work, I need to complete a ground loop from the ground of my 48VDC power supply (powered from 110VAC) and the earth of the 220V line.

Will there be any problems connecting the earth of my 220V line to the ground/neutral of my 110V line? I would assume I can't do this, so how have others wired up a touch plate when dealing with a grounded Chinese spindle?