Is it possible to have the program write the contents of a variable into a program on a Fanuc control (16i, 18i)

I have a probing program that takes some points on the casting and then calculates all the work co-ordinates for all the B-axis rotations. There is one value that is measured, stored in variable #700 that needs to be logged for every part. This is currently done by hand. What I would like to do is have the program dump the variable into a file or program in the machine and just copy the file/program every week. we don't have a DNC system so it needs to be store in the machine until I can remove it with the memory card.

I know on a Makino Pro3 control, the tool files (all the tool data) can be output into a program on the machine with an M code. But that data is in the custom pages and a pro3 is a different animal then a normal fanuc 16 control.

any thoughts, ideas are greatly appreciated
