Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I tried to no avail to figure it out from surfing Artsoft's website.

Is Mach Turn and Mach Mill different programs entirely from Mach 2 and/or Mach 3? Mach 1,2,3,4, LazyCAM, etc. are all listed on Artsofts products page, but "Mach Mill" and "Mach Turn" only show up on their home page. The screenshots for Mach Turn look completely different than the Mach 2/3 screenshots I have seen.

Artsoft's licensing information isn't clear to me either. If I buy Mach3 today, then will I get a free upgrade to Mach4? People who purchased Mach1 or Mach2 will have to pay an upgrade fee to move to Mach4 though correct?

Either I have a different way of thinking or that website really needs an overhaul... (chair)
