hello i did a retro fit a on a supermax ycm 30 vertical mill a cpl years ago. it had and analam crusader controler with sem servo motors. used larys viper 200 drives (all three axises) and a bx7 beakout board with us digital e5 1000 differential encoders. mach 3 software of course. the system has operated most flawlessly in that time. just recently i started throwing a fault on my y axes 5 flashes on the bx7 breakout . encoder fail no pulses as read in the viper manual.

first i checked the encoder on the y axis for obvious visual issues found nothing.
next i swapped the encoder cable with the x axis cable, still had the same issue.
next i started reading on this forum for solutions and happened across the viper tune software and installed it started playing with the tuning.
not having much luck when i try to tune the motor cant seem to get it to accept a encoder trip number and when i get a decent tune on the servo i loose my direction meaning
the servo will only jog in one direction.
also checked the encoder in viper tune with the servo disconnected. it operates as it should doesnt seem to miscount at all.
my guess is that its not the servo tuning, just not sure what it is.
any suggestions thanx steve