ok.....so i'm working on a project and through Aspire->Lcam->Mach3 have successfully made this.
2/23/15 - 1.mov - YouTube

Later I had made this in Vcarve.
*see attached .DXF

After RTFM i found out how to save as gcode using CNCRP's recommended MACH2/3 post. I ran the code and the Z dropped down about 3/4 into my spoil board which was properly zero'd. Then ramped up and over and began to properly cut the vcarve path that i had intended to, but did so roughly .125 inches ABOVE the spoilboard. Then when it went to the rapid height it dropped down and cut that out. I'm not ashamed to admit that it's probably something unbelievably simple that i overlooked but my brain is TOAST!!!!!! I've gotten this far on my own and i hope someone can help me out ! Thanks