Hello everyone, my name is Andrew, I'm from Portugal, and I'm new to this world of CNC machines, so pardon me if I come up annoying you guys with all my questions, which I have a lot btw!
So, I'm actually thinking of making my first cnc machine, and since I don't know anything about it, I was hoping that you could help me with it!
Okay now, I think I might go for a 3 axis, 1meter x 1meter table, and that's pretty much what I can decide so far, since I don't know what type of motors I'll have to use, what type of board, bearings, drivers, etc...
Once again, I'm sorry to bother you with this, I'm sure that you've all done and answered this endless times before, but I really am noob at this, and I really could use your help here!
Thanks in advance,

Andrew S.