Hello all,

Im currently working on retrofitting new electronics onto an old Techno CNC Gantry III using a G540. Everything is finally up and running and working properly, so I now need to add a spindle.

I will primarily be cutting aluminum and maybe even steel. Right now i'm planning on ordering a HITACHI NES1-015LB VFD and a 1.5KW water cooled spindle. Before I invest the $500 on these, I want to make sure it will be a good decision.

Im looking at that specific spindle because of the following reasons (please correct me if these assumptions are wrong):
- I will be cutting at low RPMs in order to cut the metals. Thus, I need a water cooled spindle in order to stay cool at these low speeds.
- I was originally going to get a 0.8KW spindle, but this spindle only weighs .2 lbs more so I might as well get more power.

Are these reasons correct? Will this be a good match and a good buy? Are there better options out there? Im willing to pay more for quality.

Is there a benefit of a 3-phase VFD over a 1-phase? Both are available for the exact same price.

Thanks for the help!