
when using a 90 degree vbit it seems to just rip through the material or create a fan shape thats partially cut into the edge.
ive tried different materials, different feed rates and depths, but it all produces a similar bad finish. except mdf, it works mostly fine on that.
i increased the spindle to 20 000 rpm but i think i may have a problem with it. it doesnt seem to have a lot of power.
for 2.2kw chinese spindle i would have thought it would easily carve through any soft wood. ( ive had it stall a couple of times with shallow cuts using a 5mm end mill. but hey, im new to this.)

some of the wood ive been using was a little below average soft pine at first but it seems to do it on nearly everything i try to v carve.

the vbit was new, but it was cheap. so am wondering if its just that or could there be other reasons for it?

i attached some pictures of the results im getting. any help would be muchly appreciated.
