I got a Post from Dolphin CAD/CAM, I run DPOST >import Post Processor, and says Post Processor Installed.

Then I open the Wire Erosion Module, do a machine setup, select the post that was just installed, hit OK, and
save. Then I try to do a Post, and gives me File..................post name...........Does Not Exist.
I then try to edit the post, it loads, and I do a compile (which it does), and save. I try to run the Post again with
the same error.

I try to do every combination of file import, compile, etc. that I can think of but always with the same result,
post file name does not exist. I can edit the post so I know it exists. I know it has been compile because
if I use Windows Explorer, I can see both the .ppr and .ppx files.

So far no combinations of different methods have allowed me successfully install and run a post.
If I try to load a Post that came with the software I get the same result.

I have tried looking for documention on the correct process for installing a Post, but I can't find any,
and I also tried ol' Google.

Any Help would be appreciated.

Best Regards,
Paul Hoffman