I am using this macro program for a touch probe to set work coordinates for a bore hole and it works great except one quirk that i cant figure out. Macro programming is new to me so i need a little help on what im missing here.
Here is the program. Most of this i copied from a post i found on here somewhere.

What happens is it runs the program and probes perfectly and sets the work coordinate great, but if i run the program a second time it will set my work coordinate to a tiny number say X.0036 and Y .0021 or something like that. If i then run it again it will set the work coordinate right again. Next time is wrong and so on so forth.
If i write in #5221=0 and #5222=0 on the first lines of the program it will run the program but will move in the wrong direction after the first touch on Y.

(SET G54)
G31 Y10. F10.
G0 Y-.5
G31 X-10. (X- PROBE)
G0 X.25
G31 X10. (X+ PROBE)
G0 X-.5
G31 Y10. (Y+ PROBE)
G0 Y-.25
G31 Y-10. (Y- PROBE)
G0 Y.25

Anybody want to take a stab at this?