Hi Guys,
Guys this is a great thread and great minds working together. I need an advice though. I am using Arduino UNO ATMEGA328P chip to control a DC motor using Hbridge. The encoder signals will directly read by the microcontroller and based on SERVOSTRAP code i will control the DC motor using Hbridge. Now someone guide me please can i use the Hbridge shown in below link. It can controll two DC motor with Break function. I am asking this because it is only 20US dollar with free shipment.

3 36V 10A Peak 30A Dual Motor Driver Module board H bridge DC MOSFET IRF3205-in Integrated Circuits from Electronic Components & Supplies on Aliexpress.com | Alibaba Group
It is 3-36V 10A Peak 30A Dual Motor Driver Module board H-bridge DC MOSFET IRF3205.
Details are given below:
The drive performance of these non-L298 motor driver chip can be compared, the driver focus on current and efficiency, effectively motor power and battery life. Can withstand high current overload, the maximum current up to 30A.

This drive also has a brake function can be quickly stopped the motor, brake quickly, braking obvious, easy to implement this feature

The drive uses the full two half-bridge driver chip + low resistance N-channel MOSFET components. Complete two half-bridge driver chip reliable drive mode, the MOSFET switching losses to a minimum. Improve power utilization. MOSFET driver chip comes with hardware brake function and power feedback.

This drive is superior integrated low power chip solution and the other half-bridge power margin in the coordinated combination of programs and complex issues and complementary drive problems

N-channel MOSFET IRF3205 MOSFET, use two dedicated half-bridge driver chip on the top tube using the bootstrap capacitor, so that the tube has enough drive voltage of the MOSFET channel can be opened quickly, improve motor acceleration curvature, but also quickly for the motor brake. This allows the trolley can quickly start can quickly kill the car.

The driver can operate at 0% -99% of the duty cycle of the PWM modulation, the motor driving voltage can be obtained sufficiently.