
Great Day!!! That was the clue I needed.

The problem is caused by a timing issue triggered when Axis 6 takes almost zero time to process. This occurs when Axis 6 is disabled and has no significant input to process.

A workaround is to configure Axis 6 as Encoder Input Mode even though no input is needed. Any Input Channel can be specified. ie

I have an Encoder on Axis 6, and had not changed the code to match that on ch6 input mode... So we changed it and loaded it accordingly... and now it appears we are operational.

We ordered another KFlop and Kanalog board as a backup in case... so we did not loose the next three days. Hopefully we will be running soon. Testing every circuit. Most of the outputs tested. Now testing all the inputs.

Look like were up and going... as far as on to testing all inputs.


- Jeff R.