Well if this thread where a movie; it would be the sequel to this thread http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20729 . But it is not a movie so im nervous as he**, We just found out this past week for sure that we are expecting another baby. Me being nervous is kinda odd because we already have a little girl together, and when we were at this stage with her I wasn't nervous at all. You would think since I have been thru it all before, I wouldn't be nervous at all now. Then again that may be the reason why. I think some of my nervousness will go away when I find out there is only one in there(if there is only one). Any how I am still very excited and happy about it. And cant wait to see it. I will try to keep everyone posted on the progress. I have seen a lot of cnc build logs on the zone, But this may be the first pregnancy log, lol.